Adding and authorizing users
Once you are registered for the I-Lab, you have a first usergroup. To this usergroup you can add users and set their access permissions.
You can only add users to a usergroup if you have management-rights for that group.
To add/remove a user:
- Navigate to the I-Lab Portal and log on.
- In the home page, choose Group Manager in the top menu
- In the right side of the screen, select the group you want to add or remove users
- To add a user: click on Click here to add a new user to this group
- Fill out the UU mail address of the user you want to add and press add user. N.B. the address must be entirely in lower case.
- To remove a user: select the user you want to remove and click the button [Remove User]
Add a non-UU employee to a usergroup
In the current version only persons with a UU mail account can get access to the I-Lab. To grant access to non-UU employee’s, please request for a mail address first for this person. You can do so via the I-Lab datamanager.
Add/revoke access rights for group-members
Within a group a user can have either one of the following rights
- Read – represented by an icon depicting an eye
- Read/write – represented by an icon depicting a persons head
- Manage – represented by an icon a medieval tower
To change the right’s of user:
- Navigate to the I-Lab Portal and log on.
- In the home page, choose Group Manager in the top menu
- In the right side of the screen, select the group you want to change user rights for
- Select the user and press one of the buttons next to Change Role. The right button will grant more encompassing rights, the left button will downgrade rights.