
Licensing your datapackage

Licenses in the I-Lab

The I-Lab enables you to publish your research data as a datapackage, that is your original data complemented with the administrative metadata and a DOI.

By publishing your datapackage you must also indicate what conditions you set for using the data, i.e. you have to choose a license. Also when you indicate that access to the datapackage is Closed or Restricted.

You can add a license simply by picking one of the license types in the metadata. We offer three predefined licenses and the option Other … .

We have chosen to offer a limited number of licenses for the Public Domain. If you need a different standard licence, e.g. one excluding commercial use like CC-BY-NC, please contact the I-Lab Datamanager.

When the publication of your datapackage is approved, the text of the license you’ve picked will be automatically added to the datapackage. If you’ve chosen for the Other …  option you will have to have added a license text yourself for the datapackage to be published.

Choosing a license

General policy of the University of Utrecht is to support Open Science as much as possible. This implies that data is as open as possible as well and can be reused. The I-Lab therefor will suggest the CC-BY as default license type.

If you have doubts about what type of license to choose, please contact the I-Lab Datamanager for advise.

You can also check the UBU information page or the Data Curation Centre which has a very good page on licenses, or you could check out this license picking tool.